
New Product Alert - Tensar InterAx Geogrid

Did you hear the latest news from our vendor partner, Tensar? They launched Tensar InterAx geogrid! Their highest-performing geogrid to date is now on the market. This geogrid can be used to stabilize soils more efficiently and will create a more resilient infrastructure. 

Bowman is a proud distributor of Tensar products, and we're happy to provide technical support and expertise on their products and how they can benefit your projects.

For more details about InterAx geogrid and to read success stories, visit Tensar InterAx Geogrids.

Tensar CEO Mike Lawrence explains the research behind their advanced geogrid and how it creates more resilient infrastructure in this new interview with Geosynethics Magazine. Read it here.

Tensar InterAx Geogrid
Tensar InterAx Geogrid
Tensar InterAx Geogrid